Most popular names 2003

The 10 most popular new baby names last year from the Social Security Administration


  1. Emily
  2. Emma
  3. Madison
  4. Hannah
  5. Olivia
  6. Abigail
  7. Alexis
  8. Ashley
  9. Elizabeth
  10. Samantha


  1. Jacob
  2. Michael
  3. Joshua
  4. Matthew
  5. Andrew
  6. Joseph
  7. Ethan
  8. Daniel
  9. Christopher
  10. Anthony

One thought on “Most popular names 2003”

  1. Who knew J names were so popular with boys? I guess it’s nice that my name is so popular right now, but it’s annoying to have parents yelling out my name all the time as their 2 and 3 years olds run around the playground. As someone who only knew one other Emily all my years growing up, it’s very strange to hear it so often now.

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