Peeps update

Jacob Levy at The Volokh Conspiracy is thinking peep thoughts.

Slate’s Explainer says that 700 million Peeps will be eaten this year.

That’s all? Just two-and-a-half per man, woman, and child? Call it three for everyone old enough to be allowed to eat (semi-)solid food but not so old to have lost their teeth. Of those 230 million or so, 40 million are on low-carb diets, and another 5 million or so are diabetics. 185 million left, who will eat an average of a little less than 4 apiece.

Is there anyone who actually eats Peeps who eats only four of them?

Of, course not, they come in fives. What kind of monster would eat a few and leave the others orphaned?

2 thoughts on “Peeps update”

  1. It’s faulty math. There are 6.3 billion people, thus one Peep must be shared by nine people. It’s a global economy.

  2. First of all–Peeps are one food you definitely DO NOT need teeth to eat, so change the math again, Ken.

    Meanwhile, do they even have Peeps in places like China and Africa? If not, that would certainly change the math a lot from Lee’s assessment.

    Regardless, I don’t eat them, so someone else can have mine. I only like marshmallows when they are roasted all nice and golden brown and crunchy on the outside. But being sugar covered, peeps would burn and stink, so no go. Besides, it would seem so monstrous to roast those cute little chicks and bunnies that way! (I don’t even roast real bunnies!)

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