Being cool

Anoki, Kiska, Koluk and Lear – the Rio Grande Zoo’s polar bears – got to act cool last Super Bowl Sunday. The bears appeared in a Sierra Mist commercial during the Super Bowl.

Crews filmed the bears at the zoo December 9th, a cold day — never warmer than 46 degrees — but the commercial depicts the day as hot, hot, hot. So hot that two baboons (filmed elsewhere) try to beat the heat by building a seesaw so one of them can catapult the other into the cool water of the polar bear’s swimming pool.

Stardom hasn’t changed the bears, said Rick Janser, the zoo’s mammal curator. “The next day they went out like nothing happened” Janser said. “Polar bears are at the top of the food chain. Pretty much nothing fazes them”

[NewMexiKen photo 2001. Click to enlarge.]