The web site Right Wing News has been polling bloggers, “right-of-center” bloggers and “left-of-center” bloggers on the greatest and worst figures of the 20th Century, American History, etc. It appears only a few of the queried bloggers responded each time, but here are the top five from some of the lists. See if you can figure out what the list is and who was polled. The number in parentheses is the number who voted for that individual.
5) Ben Franklin (28)
4) Abe Lincoln (31)
3) George Washington (35)
1) Ronald Reagan (36)
1) Thomas Jefferson (36)
5) Henry Ford (13)
3) Margaret Thatcher (16)
3) Albert Einstein (16)
2) Ronald Reagan (21)
1) Winston Churchill (26)
5) Winston Churchill (13)
4) Nelson Mandela (14)
3) Albert Einstein (15)
1) Franklin Roosevelt (20)
1) Martin Luther King Jr. (20)
3) Timothy McVeigh (16)
3) Nathan Bedford Forrest (16)
3) J. Edgar Hoover (16)
2) Richard Nixon (25)
1) Joseph McCarthy (26)
All the polls are here.