Mile High

Two visitors from Virginia sit a mile above sea level on the steps of the Colorado State Capitol. After the original marker was stolen four times, the step was carved in 1947 to read “ONE MILE ABOVE SEA LEVEL.” In 1969, engineering students from Colorado State University found the measurement was incorrect. They marked their concept of one mile with the the brass marker you can see between the boys. Last year yet another correction was made. That marker, a few feet lower than the others is not shown in this photograph, but click here to see a close up.

For all the attitude about being a mile high, you’d think Colorado could measure it consistently.

2 thoughts on “Mile High”

  1. I hope it was unusually warm in Denver that day. Those steps look like they could get really cold on bare skin! (Not that their parents or grandparents would let them suffer, mind you….)

  2. Ken:

    We’re a little woozy from the lack of oxygen.

    Also, you can make a fortune betting against State.

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