Early Lifestyle Choices

First day of school yesterday and Jill reports on Mack and Aidan.

Going through Mack’s papers and one of his teachers had them do a handout about themselves and their hobbies and what they like/don’t like about school, what they like in teachers, etc.

One question is, “If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?”

Mack said he would buy a business so he could earn a bunch more millions of dollars.

Which is a good answer.

It also made me think of what Aidan told me earlier — his teacher asked them all what they would do with a thousand dollars (apparently, the rate of return on imaginary investments greatly increases between third and sixth grades).

Aidan said he would buy a hot tub.

2 thoughts on “Early Lifestyle Choices”

  1. Remember how I used to blog a dozen times a day for months and then, out of the blue, say I was quitting — only to start again after a few days or a few weeks?

    This is sorta the reverse of that. 😃

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