Most provocative line of the day

“As a kind of masochistic experiment, the other day I tweeted ‘#TwitterMakesYouStupid. Discuss.’ It produced a few flashes of wit (‘Give a little credit to our public schools!’); a couple of earnestly obvious points (‘Depends who you follow’); some understandable speculation that my account had been hacked by a troll; a message from my wife (‘I don’t know if Twitter makes you stupid, but it’s making you late for dinner. Come home!’); and an awful lot of nyah-nyah-nyah (‘Um, wrong.’ ‘Nuh-uh!!’). Almost everyone who had anything profound to say in response to my little provocation chose to say it outside Twitter.”

The Twitter Trap – Bill Keller, executive editor, The New York Times from a piece on how “we are outsourcing our brains to the cloud.”

Read. Discuss (if you still can).