I’m pretty sure I don’t like the 21st century

A new “Mosquito” device at the street level of the Metro entrance at 7th & H Streets in Chinatown is emitting shrill noise at 18 KHz, a high frequency that only young people can hear.

Similar devices have been installed in Britain with the same purpose of discouraging young people from congregating outside shops. According to Councilmember Jack Evans, the founder of the Gallery Place development had the device installed on his company’s Gallery Place building.

Greater Greater Washington

2 thoughts on “I’m pretty sure I don’t like the 21st century”

  1. Please get your facts straight. The mosquito device at Gallery Place is audible to all ages. It is meant to deter all loiterers of all ages in order to permit unimpeded access to the adjacent stores. It is barely noticeable to people who are passing through the area and is only bothersome to people who stand near the device for longer periods.

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