The next 10

  1. Barbara Bush — when Jeb gets elected president maybe, but until then my vote goes to Abigail Adams
  2. Benjamin Franklin — top five; the first American
  3. Bill Clinton — was unfairly attacked but provided the ammunition; best president to hang out with, not great
  4. Bill Cosby (William Henry Cosby, Jr.) — one of several people on the list NewMexiKen has seen in person, so gets extra credit; integrated television, no small thing
  5. Bill Gates — another I’ve seen in person; capitalism is what America is about
  6. Billy Graham — anti-Semitic remarks to Nixon
  7. Bob Hope; wasn’t funny; Bing Crosby gets my vote
  8. Brett Favre; Johnny U maybe, not Brett; only one ring
  9. Carl Sagan — role was to popularize science, especially space; look where he’s left us
  10. Cesar Chavez — labor and ethnic leader; changed perceptions