One thought on “Glad I live at 6,000 feet”

  1. Published on Sunday, November 28, 2004 by the Observer/UK
    Greenhouse Effect ‘May Benefit Man’
    Claims by Pro-Bush Think-Tank Outrage Eco-Groups

    by Antony Barnett and Mark Townsend

    Climate change is ‘a myth’, sea levels are not rising and Britain’s chief scientist is ‘an embarrassment’ for believing catastrophe is inevitable. These are the controversial views of a new London-based think-tank that will publish a report tomorrow attacking the apocalyptic view that man-made greenhouse gases will destroy the planet.

    The International Policy Network will publish its long-awaited study, claiming that the science warning of an environmental disaster caused by climate change is ‘fatally flawed’. It will state that previous predictions of changes in sea level of a metre over the next 100 years were overestimates.

    Instead, the report will say that sea level rises will reach a maximum of just 20cms during the next century, adding that global warming could, in fact, benefit mankind by increasing fish stocks.

    I wonder if these people are buying land in Florida?

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