God bless you

NewMexiKen attended the Beausoleil performance at the Rio Grande Zoo Friday night. As always the world’s best Cajun band was terrific. The evening was lovely, illuminated as dark came on by lightning to the north and west. The only problem for performers in coming to the zoo is that they have to share the green room with the seals getting ready for their own show.

Anyway, they sell refreshments at these outdoor concerts, including beer, wine and margaritas. I decided on a Corona, but just as the barmaid was pouring the bottle into the plastic cup she sneezed. Now, I’m not horribly fussy, but …

After she finished pouring, the barmaid lifted the cup to her nose and smelled. This doesn’t smell right, she said. What did I think.

Knowing an opening when I’m offered one, I smelled the cup of beer and said, no I don’t think it smells right.

She poured me another; I asked for a Heineken this time.