Janet Jackson

Did you see Janet Jackson on Saturday Night Live? In the opening sketch she did a good and funny job as Condoleezza Rice preparing for her testimony. Jackson had the Rice facial expressions—the sneers and grimaces—down wonderfully. When the stress of actually appearing before the commission arrived and Ben-Veniste pressed her with his questions, Jackson as Rice responded, of course, by ripping off her bodice. (There was a scrambled image.) I didn’t see the punch line coming and it was pretty funny.

NewMexiKen doesn’t care for Janet Jackson and thought the Super Bowl show was a tacky travesty on several counts, though not a national crisis. But I’ll give Jackson and Saturday Night Live credit for making the boob flashing into the joke it should be and not giving in to the FCC hysteria.

2 thoughts on “Janet Jackson”

  1. I saw Jackson on SNL last weekend and I give her credit for making fun of herself a few times. And she was brilliant as Rice.

  2. Her “musical” (lip-synching) performances were almost impossible for me to sit through, though.

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