Glofish: the civil rights struggle of the 21st century

Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog brings us up to date on glofish. He begins:

It has been a while since we have had a glofish update and for that I apologize. But who else is updating you on the struggle to Free Glofish? Not quote-unquote libertarian Eugene Volokh. Not Calpundit who is Californian and has ignored the glofish controversy engulfing his state. In the blogoverse only Fafblog is promisin to bring you fast-coming updates on this enfolding crisis of civil liberties. Fast-coming updates every couple months.

Be silly. Read more.

NewMexiKen saw this somewhere else but only decided you needed the glofish update after seeing reference to it again at Brad DeLong’s Semi-Daily Journal.