Top 10 Daily Newspapers

Newspaper Name; Circulation; Change from Year Ago

1. USA Today (M-F*) 2,154,539 0.9%
2. The Wall Street Journal (M-F) 2,091,062** 16.1%
3. The New York Times (M-F) 1,118,565 0.5%
4. Los Angeles Times (M-Sat.*) 955,211 (1.1%)
5. The Washington Post (M-F) 732,872 (1.9%)
6. Daily News, New York (M-F) 729,124 2.1%
7. New York Post (M-F) 652,426 10.6%
8. Chicago Tribune (M-F*) 596,667 No change***
9. Newsday, Melville, N.Y. (M-F) 580,069 0.2%
10. Houston Chronicle (M-Sat.) 553,018 0.2%

* Average calculated by E&P Online
** Figure includes online subscriptions for first time, estimated by Journal at about 686,000
*** Difference less than one-tenth of one percent

Source: Audit Bureau of Circulations FAS-FAX for the six months ended Sept. 30, 2003.

Source: Editor & Publisher Online