Dogs are not fur children

The Bleat on Jasper:

Dogs are not fur-children. Dogs are dogs. They’re happier if you know this. And you’re happier, too, because you won’t mistake your dog for your child. The day Gnat came home was the day I began to really understand my dog. It’s not that I had overestimated him; he’s incredibly smart. I had given him some human attributes, yes, but you can’t help it – there is some overlap, given all the time humans and dogs have spent together. I am not exaggerating when I say that he cried when we brought Gnat home. He had never made that sound before and he’s never made it since, for which I’m grateful: it was painful. He got it. He knew.

The narrative continues. Made NewMexiKen wish I had a dog…for a millesecond.